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Macmillan Books for Teachers

Tituly zo série Macmillan Books for Teachers sú určené študentom, ktorí sa pripravujú na učiteľské povolanie, ale aj učiteľom a metodikom v praxi. Tieto knihy vám pomôžu:

  • zdokonaliť sa a získať istotu pri vyučovaní AJ
  • získať nový pohľad na váš spôsob výučby
  • prepojiť teóriu a prax

Knihy sú písané prístupnou formou zameranou na potreby študentov. Ponúkajú:

  • praktické návody a inšpirácie pomocou aktivít
  • oboznámenie sa s kľúčovými teoretickými základmi
  • spôsob, ako zdokonaliť prax pochopením teórie

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Learning Teaching 3rd edition

novinkaLearning Teaching 3rd edition

Jim Scrivener

The new, revised and extended edition of the ever-popular 1994 edition addresses the most important, challenging and interesting situations of the English classroom and provides assistance to coping with them. viac »


Teaching English Grammar

novinkaTeaching English Grammar

Jim Scrivener

Praktické návody pre výučbu všetkých gramatických javov bez použitia ďalších pomôcok. Učiteľovi postačí iba tabuľa. Každý gramatický jav je detailne rozpracovaný vrátane všetkých čiastkových aktivít, ktoré musí každá správne vedená hodina obsahovať. viac »


Uncovering CLIL

novinka Uncovering CLIL

Peeter Mehisto, Maria-Jesus Frigols and David Marsh

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) refers to methodologies used in teaching situations where a second language is used as a medium for teaching non-language content. Uncovering CLIL has been written to act as a guide for both language and subject teachers to the various methodologies and techniques involved in CLIL teaching.

Blended Learning

novinka Blended Learning

Pete Sharma , Barney Barrett

Táto kniha s podtitulom Using technology in and beyond the language classroom dobre poslúži všetkým učiteľom, ktorí sa zaujímajú o využitie techniky, internetu, multimédií a e-learningu pri výučbe cudzích jazykov.

500 Primary Classroom Activities

500 Activities for the Primary Classroom

Scott Thornbury

Carol Read is a well-known primary specialist and teacher trainer, as well as the author of numerous primary courses. She's now written the definitive handbook for all primary teachers and teacher trainers.

500 Primary Classroom Activities is the answer to that perennial question of "What on Earth and I going to do with my class tomorrow?" Aimed at teachers of children between the ages of 3-12, this is a lively, varied compendium of ideas and classroom activities. viac »

A-Z of ELT

A – Z of ELT1

Scott Thornbury

A fully cross-referenced, alphabetical guide to ELT explains grammatical, phonological, and lexical terms describes language teaching techniques, methods and theories expands common acronyms of language varieties and major organizations suggests ways of teaching common grammar points includes helpful cross references and further reading suggestinos.

Learning Teaching

Learning Teaching  nové prepracované vydanie 

Jim Scrivener

The new, revised and extended edition of the ever-popular 1994 edition addresses the most important, challenging and interesting situations of the English classroom and provides assistance to coping with them. viac »

Sound Foundations

Sound Foundations  nové prepracované vydanie 

Adrian Underhill

This new and updated edition with audio CD is a real help for teachers to feel comfortable when speaking and teaching pronunciation. The CD contains demonstrations of the activities with author's commentaries.

Medzinárodné periodikum, ktoré sa venuje angličtine EL Gazette, vybralo Sound Foundation ako knihu mesiaca. Prečítajte si recenziu.

Beyond the Sentence

Beyond the Sentence

Scot Thornbury

As well as an entertaining introduction to discourse analysis, Scott Thornbury's new book is a practical guide to putting text to work in the classroom. Example photocopiable lessons are included to get you started.

Uncovering Grammar

Uncovering Grammar

Scott Thornbury

How do we learn grammar? This book helps you understand the way grammar functions in language. The task sheets help you and your students understand the processes of grammar in language acquisition.

Children Learning English

Children Learning English

Jayne Moon

Children Learning English reveals the special features of teaching foreign languages to young learners. It is an inspiring read and a useful practical guide in a single volume.

700 Classroom Activities

700 Classroom Activities  nový obal  

David Seymour a Maria Popova

The activities cover four major areas: Conversation, Functions, Grammar, 700 Classroom ActivitiesVocabulary and give teachers the freedom to pick and choose the most relevant ones to make their classes enjoyable and fun. viac »

Pôvodný obal:

Discover English

Discover English

Rod Bolitho a Brian Tomlinson

Discover English highlights common areas of difficluty in English, with detailed commentaries which support all users, with particular emphasis on teaching the language.

Teacheing Reading Skills

Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language

Christine Nuttall

In this era of texts, it is essential to know how and what to read in a foreign language. This thorough and interesting handbook will help teachers assess and adapt texts to fully complement their courses.

Teaching Practice

Teaching Practice

Roger Gower, Diane Philips a Steve Walters

This indispensable classic helps you cope with different teaching scenarios when you are preparing to become a teacher of English or if you are preparing others to become English teachers.