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Prečítajte si recenzie našich učebníc, ako sa objavili v zahraničnej odbornej tlači. (iba v angličtine)


Tiger Time

Course Book Review


Beyond recenzia

El gazette


Macmillan Readers - Adventure stories

Adventure Stories - Jane McKinlay: ECS Scotland


CAE Testbuilder

CAE Testbuilder - Caroline Dudgeon: Inverness College


Code Green

Code Green - Mike Orr: University of St Andrews


Effective Reading

Effective Reading - Hazel Anderson: Freelance


English World

English World - Ruth Shanley: TESOL Volunteer, Clackmannanshire


Check Your Aviation English

Check Your Aviation English - Dianah Esdaile


Check Your Vocabulary for FCE

Check Your Vocabulary for FCE - Duncan Fitzhowle: EAC Language School, Edinburgh


Laser B2

Laser B2 - Kate Fenn-Tye: Student, Stirling University


Macmillan English Grammar in Context

Macmillan English Grammar in Context - Angela Campbell: University of Strathclyde


Macmillan Study Dictionary

Macmillan Study Dictionary - Lucy Bradley: Adam Smith College


New Advanced Language Practice English Grammar and Vocabulary

New Advanced Language Practice English Grammar and Vocabulary - Emilia Krajewska: Adam Smith College


New First Certificate Language Practice English Grammar and Vocabulary

New First Certificate Language Practice English Grammar and Vocabulary - Colette Mimnagh: INTO Scotland, Glasgow Caledonian University


New Inside Out Elementary

New Inside Out Elementary - Emily Bryson: ESOL Lecturer, Glasgow


New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate (1)

New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate - Liz Turner: Freelance CELTA trainer


New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate (2)

New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate - Pat Baxter Language Services, Arbroath


New Inspiration

New Inspiration - Nathalie Giret: PDA ITESOL Tutor, Aberdeen


In Company

In Company - EL Gazette review


Ready for First

Ready for First - Alex Warren (Academic Director) from British Study Centres, Bournemouth


Ready for FCE

Ready for FCE - Duncan Fitzhowle: EAC Language School, Edinburgh


The Business

The Business - Modern English Teacher

El Gazette - Book_of_the_Month

The Business - review by Pete Sharma



Straightforward - Modern English Teacher review

Straightforward - Adult EFL Courses review



Laser - English Teaching Matters review